Now Serving the Coast from SW WA to Central OR

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Residential Roofing on the Coast of SW Washington & Oregon

Your home’s roof protects you and your family from wind, weather, and pests. Problems with your roof due to aging, storm damage, or wear and tear can affect your family’s safety. At CedarTech Roofing, we are proud to have earned a reputation for being a reliable, highly skilled roofing contractor in the Oregon and Washington area. We can help you choose the right residential roofing services for your needs based on the condition of your roof, its materials, and your budget. We specialize in residential roofing services, including roofing inspections, roofing repairs, and roof replacement. We are experts in cedar roofing and composition roofing and serve customers along the coast from SW Washington to Central OR.

Residential Roofing Materials

We have relationships with local and national vendors who provide quality, reliable roofing materials. We handpick only the best materials that are proven to stand the test of time. We can help you decide which roofing materials are best for your home:

  • Cedar RoofingCedar wood is naturally resistant to decay and rot and acts as a natural insulator. The rich color variations of natural cedar wood can enhance the beauty and appeal of your home. At CedarTech Roofing, we use only the highest quality, 100% premium edge grain Western Red Cedar from British Columbia. Each cedar shake or roofing shingle is precisely installed with skill and care.
  • Composite RoofingComposite roofing is made from a combination of roofing materials, including fiberglass, asphalt, plastics, and more. It is designed to look like other roofing materials and is highly durable, weather-resistant, and affordable.

Care and Maintenance of Your Roof

Once your new roof is installed, we’ll give you all of the information you need to properly care for and maintain your roof. Cedar roofing can last for decades with proper care, and regular cleaning and maintenance can enhance its beauty and help you avoid cedar roof problems like split shingles, cracks, rot, leaks, and moss, mold, or algae growth. Here are some tips for caring for your cedar roof:

  • Regularly remove debris and organic matter from your roof
  • Keep nearby trees trimmed so they don’t overhang the roof
  • Regularly inspect and clean your gutters, downspouts, and drains
  • Schedule a professional roofing inspection after major storms or every two or three years, depending on the age of your roof
  • Do your own roofing inspection each season or after any major storms or weather events
  • Do not attempt to DIY any roofing repairs
  • Invest in Cedar Silver treatment to protect your cedar roof from moss growth
  • Schedule annual roof cleaning and roof maintenance from our professionals

Our Service Areas

We proudly provide roofing services to communities along the coast of SW Washington and throughout Central Oregon. Our service area includes:


  • Long Beach, WA
  • Ilwaco, WA
  • Seaview, WA
  • Ocean Park, WA
  • Oysterville, WA


  • Astoria, OR
  • Warrenton, OR
  • Seaside, OR
  • Cannon Beach, OR
  • Manzanita, OR
  • Rockaway Beach, OR
  • Garibaldi, OR
  • Tillamook, OR
  • Pacific City, OR
  • Lincoln City, OR

Our Residential Roofing Services

Our team at CedarTech Roofing can repair and restore more than just cedar roofs. We also specialize in composite roofing. We are committed to using the highest quality products and completing our work with care, precision, and attention to detail so that your roof is built to last. Whether you need a new roof due to storm damage, age, wear and tear, or just want to enhance the appearance and value of your home, our experienced roofing contractors are here to help. We can even help you navigate the homeowner’s insurance claim process. Call us now to learn more about our residential roofing services:

  • Roofing RestorationOur Cedar Silver product can prevent moss growth and maintain the quality and beauty of your cedar roof. We also use a unique process for maintaining, cleaning, and restoring cedar roofing. Rather than traditional pressure washing, we use a gentle, effective process that removes dirt, grime, organic debris, and other contaminants. Through natural oil replacement and natural color restoration processes, we can counteract the effects of weather, pests, and deterioration.
  • Roofing RepairWhen you choose our roofing contractors for roof repairs, we will ensure your roof is sturdy, safe, and protected by addressing structural issues, weather damage, pest damage, and more. We offer roofing repairs for architectural and presidential roofing shingles, cedar shake and shingle roofs, and composite roofing. We also offer roof and chimney flashing repair and replacement, roofing underlayment repair and replacement, and repair and replacement of all decking materials.
  • Re-roofingIf your roof is in good shape overall but you want to extend its lifespan and preserve its beauty, consider re-roofing services. It is a cost-effective and efficient option if your roof doesn’t have any major damage.

Schedule a Free Roof Inspection and Roofing Consultation

Let our team at CedarTech Roofing help you restore or repair your cedar roof or invest in a new roof for your home. Our team does not cut corners, and we provide honest, thorough assessments and quality materials, workmanship, and customer service. In addition to cedar roof and composition roof installation or replacement, we also offer roof maintenance, roof restoration, and roof repair services. Call us now or contact us online to schedule a free roof inspection and residential roofing consultation on the coast of SW Washington or throughout Central Oregon.

Call Us to Schedule a Service Today