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Cedar Roofing Services in Portland

Cedar roofing is known for its exceptional durability, natural aesthetic, and eco-friendly qualities. Favored by homeowners and property managers alike, cedar roofs merge functionality with visual appeal, creating a roofing system that is both practical and timeless. CedarTech Roofing specializes in providing top-notch cedar roofing services tailored to suit a wide range of residential and commercial needs.

Crafted from sustainable cedar materials, these roofing systems are designed to endure harsh weather conditions, offer excellent insulation, and enhance the overall value of your property. With its ability to withstand external elements and natural resistance to wear, a cedar roof is an investment that ensures long-term protection and reliability.

Services Offered

CedarTech Roofing offers a variety of cedar roofing services and solutions. These services include:

Cedar Roof Installation

CedarTech Roofing provides expert cedar roof installation for both residential and commercial properties. Using high-quality, sustainable cedar materials, their installation process adheres to manufacturer guidelines, ensuring eligibility for warranties ranging from 30 to 50 years.

Cedar Roof Maintenance and Repair

CedarTech Roofing offers routine maintenance and repair services to maintain the longevity and performance of your cedar roof. These services address common wear-and-tear issues while preserving your cedar roof's structural integrity and appearance.

Custom Cedar Roof Design

CedarTech Roofing experts can tailor cedar roofs to complement your property's architectural style and aesthetic. Whether you want a traditional or modern look, custom design options enhance the unique character of your home or building.

Cedar Roof Inspection and Consultation

Whether you're assessing an existing cedar roof or planning for a new installation, their roof inspection and consultation services provide detailed insights on the condition of your roof and recommended solutions.

Eco-Friendly Cedar Roofing Solutions

CedarTech Roofing embraces environmentally-conscious roofing practices, using sustainable cedar materials and energy-efficient designs to reduce the environmental impact of their roofs.
Furthermore, the company stands behind its work with a 10-year workmanship warranty for reroofing and repair services, giving added assurance of their quality.

Why Choose Cedar Roofing?

Strength and Durability

Cedar roofing is one of the strongest and most durable roofing options available. Known for its ability to withstand extreme weather conditions, cedar shakes and shingles have been extensively tested and proven to perform exceptionally under various scenarios.

  • Hurricane Resistance: Cedar roofs can withstand wind pressures up to 245 mph, ensuring no material uplift in severe storms.
  • Hail Impact Resistance: Cedar roofing ranks at the top of the Underwriters Laboratories Impact Resistance scale, showing no splitting or cracking under strain.
  • Fire Resistance: Pressure-treated cedar shakes and shingles offer fire retardancy, making them a reliable choice in wildfire-prone areas.
  • Earthquake Resilience: Cedar roofs weigh 75% less than tile roofs, reducing structural stress during seismic activity.


With proper maintenance and installation, cedar roofs last between 30 and 50 years. CedarTech Roofing follows manufacturer guidelines during installation, ensuring your roof remains eligible for warranties. We are certified by the Cedar Bureau, and we install as per their specifications. Our commitment adds significant value and peace of mind.

Sustainable and Energy-Efficient

Cedar is a renewable and sustainable resource, making it an eco-friendly choice for roofing. Its natural insulating properties help maintain indoor temperatures efficiently, reducing energy consumption and utility costs. CedarTech Roofing’s eco-conscious approach ensures your roofing system aligns with modern sustainability goals.

Aesthetic Appeal

Cedar’s natural wood grain and warm tones make it a visually striking choice. Over time, cedar weathers to a distinguished silvery-gray patina, adding character to any property. With custom design options, CedarTech Roofing allows homeowners and property managers to enhance the unique beauty of their buildings.

Maintenance and Care

While cedar roofs are highly durable, regular maintenance is essential to preserve their longevity and appearance. CedarTech Roofing provides tailored maintenance programs that include full restoration, cleaning, sealing and minor repairs. Our cleaning and treatment method prevents moisture buildup and damage from UV exposure.

Regular inspections are also recommended to identify any potential issues before they escalate. CedarTech Roofing’s experienced team ensures your cedar roof remains in peak condition for decades.

Cedar Roofing as a Sustainable Solution

Cedar roofing is a sustainable option due to its natural biodegradability and renewable sourcing. It offers energy-saving benefits by acting as a natural insulator, keeping interiors cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Additionally, cedar’s long lifespan reduces the environmental impact compared to shorter-lived roofing materials that require frequent replacement.

CedarTech Roofing Commitment

CedarTech Roofing is dedicated to providing high-quality cedar roofing solutions prioritizing durability, sustainability, and aesthetic excellence. Their adherence to manufacturer guidelines extends the life of your roof and ensures you can access industry-leading product warranties. Backed by a 10-year workmanship warranty for reroofing, CedarTech Roofing delivers peace of mind with every project.

For homeowners, property managers, and eco-conscious consumers seeking reliable, efficient, and visually appealing roofing solutions, CedarTech Roofing’s cedar roofing services are an exceptional choice.

Call Us to Schedule a Service Today