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Discovering a roof leak can be alarming, especially if it’s raining and water is seeping into your home. Addressing the issue promptly is crucial to prevent further damage. If you find yourself wondering what to do if your roof is leaking, here are five essential steps to take.

1. Identify the Source of the Leak

Leak Repair Work-in-Progress

The first step when you notice a roof leaking is to identify the source. This can be a challenge because water can travel along beams and pipes before dripping onto your ceiling. Check your attic or crawl space while the sun is out, looking for signs of mold, mildew, water stains, and small holes where light shines through. Pay particular attention to the areas around chimneys, skylights, and vents, as these are common places where roof leaks start.

2. Contain the Water

Once you’ve identified the source, your next step is to contain the water. Place buckets, pans, or other containers under the leak to catch the water and prevent further damage to your flooring or furniture. If the ceiling leak is significant, consider poking a small hole in the ceiling to let the water escape more easily. This assists in preventing water from pooling and causing the ceiling to collapse. Remember to move any valuables or electronics out of the affected area to avoid damage.

3. Document the Damage

Leak Repair Before

Before you start any repair work, it’s important to document the damage the leaks have caused. Take photos and videos of the affected areas, including the roof, attic, and interior spaces. This documentation will be crucial if you need to file an insurance claim. Be sure to capture both close-up and wide shots to provide a comprehensive overview of the damage.

4. Make Temporary Repairs

To prevent further damage, make temporary repairs as soon as possible. If you’re comfortable doing so, you can use a tarp to cover the damaged section of your roof. Secure the tarp with roofing nails or bricks to keep it in place. Inside your home, you can patch any ceiling leak with a temporary sealant or waterproof tape. These measures won’t be a permanent solution but will help reduce the damage until you can arrange for professional repairs.

5. Call a Professional

Leak Repair After

Finally, it’s essential to contact a roofing professional to inspect and repair the leaking roof. While DIY repairs can provide a temporary fix, a professional will be able to assess the full extent of the damage and recommend the best course of action. They can identify the root of the issues, such as damaged shingles, flashing problems, or structural concerns, that may have contributed to the leak. Roof leaks can worsen over time, so don’t delay in seeking professional assistance.

Take Swift Action and Trust CedarTech for Your Roof Leak Repairs

Discovering a leaking roof can be stressful, but acting swiftly can minimize the damage. By identifying the source, containing the water, documenting the damage, making temporary repairs, and calling a professional, you can address the issue effectively. For homeowners seeking expert assistance, CedarTech offers unparalleled service with our specialized cedar roof treatment and repair process, ensuring your roof’s durability and safety. With our industry credentials, including the Angie’s List Service Award and membership in the Better Business Bureau, you can trust us to handle your roof repair needs with professionalism and care. It’s never been easier to repair your roof now that we’re serving the coast from SW Washington to Central Oregon. Contact us today for a free quote and experience peace of mind knowing your roof is in capable hands.