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CedarTech Roofing

Responsible Roofing Since 1991

The Portland Area Cedar Roofing Experts

Responsible Roof Care Since 1991

Do you want to extend the life of your roof and save money? Here at CedarTech, we can offer you services that do just that. Our services are simple, neat, clean, and safe. Not to mention, they work! We can provide Portland cedar roof repair, treatment, and maintenance in a way that allows your roof to last longer than if repaired using different, harsher techniques. In the long run, we save you money! Call us today at 503-643-9303 for a free quote!

Roof Repairs
Roof Treatment
Cedar Re-Roof
Composition Re-Roof
Cedar Roof Restoration Services

Our Process for Cedar Roofs Includes

  • Clearing your roof of debris using compressed air or blowers rather than by pressure washing
  • Replacing shakes and repairing spots that could lead to future leaks
  • Treating your cedar shakes and shingles with fire-resistant CedarSilver
  • Using biodegradable and environmentally friendly products

With our unique process, we don’t have to compromise the long-term durability of your roof. Our process is gentle and effective—giving you the most for your money.


CedarTech Is Here for All Your Roofing Needs

At CedarTech, we also offer Portland cedar roof repair. Maybe you don’t want or need your whole roof treated; it just needs a little maintenance. We are here for all of your needs, both small and great! Although we specialize in cedar roofs, we also offer our services for composition roofs, as well. For more information about our services, process, or to receive a free quote, contact us at 503-643-9303/a>. We look forward to helping you get the most out of your roof!

CedarTech script logo

10940 Southwest Barnes Road
Portland, OR 97225



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM